Thanksgiving Safety Check

Thanksgiving is a time to gather around the dinner table in the company of family and friends and be thankful for all that you have. Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, with unattended cooking as the leading contributing factor. Keep your holiday full of laughter and fun by following these safety tips.

  1. Stay in the kitchen when cooking on the stove top.
  2. Stay at home when cooking your turkey and check it frequently.
  3. Keep children at least 3 feet away from the hot stove.
  4. Heat cooking oil slowly and watch it closely; it can ignite quickly!
  5. Keep a lid nearby to smother small grease fires. NEVER throw water on a grease fire!
  6. Always use turkey fryers outdoors and on level ground.

In 2017 the U.S. fire department responded to an estimated 1,600 cooking fires on Thanksgiving. Keeping fire safety top of mind in the kitchen during the holiday will keep you from having a Thanksgiving disaster! The Florida Insurance Chick™️ and Southshore Insurance Professionals hope you and your family have a safe and joyous Thanksgiving!


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